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Electional Astrology : What is the better time for a job interview?

To illustrate the use of electional rules, let's consider two examples: a successful and an unsuccessful election for a job interview. Try to compare two charts below according to the rules outlined in Elections 101 post to determine which day was a better day for a job interview, before seeing the analysis, and the outcome. Situation: A seasoned IT professional had been looking for a job for a few months. She was getting quite tired and discouraged after multiple rounds of interviews that did not result in job offers. A recruiter had arranged an interview for her with a new company (a small bank). The day of the interview was based on the company's preference but she had a couple of choices for day and time. Look at two charts below and see which of them would be more beneficial for the client. Consider the following questions: 1) Is this chart favorable for the client (note 1H and 10H, planets in them, and L1 and L10)? 2) Does it look like it can work out? 3) Note the Moon, and any aspects between her and the significators for the client (L1) and the job (L10).

Read full analysis

Job Interview Election 1

Job Interview Election 2

Final notes and outcome



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